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Sino-Russian Mathematics Center-JLU Colloquium(2023-024)—stochastic anticipating equations

发表于: 2023-10-20   点击: 

课程题目:stochastic anticipating equations

授 课 人:Andrey Dorogovtsev

所在单位:Institute of Mathematics,NAS Ukraine


课程地点:Zoom ID:871 7544 9382  Password: 959182

课程摘要: This course is devoted to the stochastic anticipating equations with the extended stochastic integral with respect to the Gaussian processes of a special type. Professor Andrey will give students some time to understand the knowledge and give some small questions about the lectures.

授课人简介:Andrey Dorogovtsev教授是乌克兰国家科学院通讯院士,乌克兰国家科学院数学所随机过程理论系主任,主要从事概率论及其相关领域研究,是乌克兰概率论研究方向学术领军人物之一。Andrey Dorogovtsev教授是乌克兰与德国、乌克兰与俄罗斯等国家联合项目的乌方负责人。同时,Andrey Dorogovtsev教授是《Theory of Stochastic Processes》、《Ukraine Mathematical Journal》等杂志的编委。